I think I may just do that...
I have used a Concept2 rower before & loved it. It was a great workout! I felt like my whole body was working, I liked the movement & best of all it is awesome for cardio!
Concept2 is the standard rower for colleges & universities to the pros.
The Concept2 Story:
Concept2 got its start in 1976 in the back of a bread truck when Dick and Pete Dreissigacker, fresh from Olympic training, started making composite racing oars—now the oar of choice among the world's rowers. They went on to create the Concept2 Indoor Rower, now used worldwide by Olympic athletes, cardiac rehab patients and every caliber of rower in between. Since then we've grown to over 50 employees, and our product line includes the Indoor Rower and Dreissigacker Racing Oars. Though much larger than we once were, we remain dedicated to providing the most innovative rowing products and programs to our customers. |
Hopefully a review will follow soon!
Be sure to check them out at Concept2
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